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Andrea Chiapponi


Born in 1973, Andrea graduated in Industrial engineering at Politecnico of Milan and has had a long consultancy experience in McKinsey. Andrea was also in Google, where he was in charge of Global Partnerships for Italy. He was also founder of The Real Face, a company of web marketing services in which he served as chairman and CEO. Previously Andrea has been Managing director in the international group Noemalife and for 4 years, from 2007 to 2011, he served as managing director of System 24, the advertising sales house for the 24 Ore group.

Il nostro management

Onsi Naguib Sawiris

Roberto Giacchi

Massimo Michelini

Andrea Chiapponi

Enrico Torlaschi

Umberto Poschi

Roberto Pierri

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Giorgia Camandona

Fabrizio Manzi

Maria Grazia Bizzarri