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Italiaonline launches InMarketplace

Italiaonline presents InMarketplace, a solution designed to support customers in the management and optimisation of their business on digital shops such as Amazon and eBay (to name but a few), which are today essential for companies wishing to increase their turnover through a multi-channel online approach. In fact, being present on more than one online store allows merchants to seize all the business opportunities that markets offer.

Companies are increasingly approaching marketplace sales: more than half of Italian companies sell on marketplaces. Of these, 27% account for more than 50% of turnover, for 17% it is even more than 75%.*

The presence on marketplaces has therefore become indispensable. These are sales channels that are not alternatives to ecommerce, but complement it in order to strengthen the online presence and fully exploit all the potential that each of them offers. Marketplaces also represent a huge opportunity to access millions of customers, in new markets, in all geographical areas, especially for small and medium-sized Italian companies.

InMarketplace consists of two pillars: the platform and the related consultancy service.

InMarketplace is a proprietary platform, developed entirely by Italiaonline, which allows SMEs to have everything they need to manage different marketplaces in a single tool, with maximum customisation and minimum time. The merchant easily decides where to sell, what to sell and under what conditions. InMarketplace allows the merchant to easily and securely manage and control his online sales ecosystem by accessing a complete overview of his online shop windows at all times.

Thanks to InMarketplace, with a single tool the merchant can manage his product catalogue, defining a price/inventory strategy per channel, orders and shipments. Simple and clear graphs show sales per channel, a report on fulfilled orders, cancelled orders or returns, all fully customisable.

InMarketplace is also a consultancy service, offering constant support to merchants. To this end, Italiaonline has created dedicated teams, composed of professionals with specific skills, who will assist client companies in the acceleration of their business, offering them strategic guidance and operational support. Italiaonline will take care of sales monitoring, commercial and promotional planning, and will always be present during the consolidation and evolution of the project.

‘Marketplaces represent a great business development opportunity for Italian companies, because they allow them to reach millions of consumers worldwide. Italiaonline takes another important step towards its customers, supporting them in the most effective management of this fundamental channel of digital commerce. InMarketplace allows customers to centralise the management and analysis of the various sales channels, generating cost and time synergies. With the support of Italiaonline’s best consultants, it will be easy to scale sales. Marketplaces represent the first sector in Italy in terms of sales growth and drive the development of digital commerce in our country. In this scenario, Italiaonline is strengthening its role as a key partner in the digitalisation of Italian companies to build the Italy of the future,’ says Umberto Poschi, Chief Web and Media Services Officer Italiaonline.

*Source: Ecommerce in Italy 2024 – Casaleggio Associati

NB This is a translation of the Italian press release